How You Can Help

Wondering how you can help?

Dallas Preemie Parents is in need of the following items. If you would like to donate items off our wish list please contact us at for our mailing address. The items on our wish list are used to provide support and mementos to families currently in the NICU or in Antepartum.
* Scrapbook supplies including but not limited to paper, stickers, glue or adhesives, premade scrapbook sheets, fabrics or ribbon, markers, fun pens.
* Fabric pieces, any color, size, theme
* Current magazines not more than 3 months old
* DVD's, books, word searches, crossword puzzles, etc.
* Gift cards to gas stations, restaurants, hotels. These will be used to help support parents who have a difficult time making it to the hospital to visit their baby.
* Company donation or product donation for silent auctions.
* Wire wreath molds, fabric scraps, yards of various fabric.
* Various art supplies
* Various preemie clothes and preemie accessories including preemie and new born diapers
* New infant car seats and car beds.
* Lotions, hand sanitizer, chap stick, nursing pads, new travel size tooth brushes, tooth paste, toiletries.
If you are interested in becoming more involved please contact us.