Dallas Preemie Parents :: Photo Gallery

Welcome to our Photo Gallery featuring precious photos from some of our members. To view the pictures larger, just click!

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James Alexander was born on August 2nd 2010, at 22.6 weeks gestation and weighed 15oz and was 10.5in. long. He stayed in the NICU for 5 months and one week and came home on January 9th. It was 105 degrees the night he was born and snowing the day he left the hospital.

"This is my husband Cliff
 kangarooing with Kolby Joseph.
I quickly learned the value of
being able to kangaroo
 with Kolby."

Leyton William - born at 30 weeks

Noah's first picture - 1lb, 8oz.
Noah on CPAP

Daddy's first feed!
Baby B, Lola, born
 at 34 weeks - 3lb, 6oz.

Penelope, Baby A.
 Born at 34 weeks.
4lb, 9oz.